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The colorMix function allows you to mix two colors according to a specified weight in RGB color space. This function returns a new Spectrum instance representing the resulting color.


import Spectrum, { colorMix } from '@snipshot/spectrum';
const red = new Spectrum('hex', '#f00');
const blue = new Spectrum('rgb', '0, 0, 255, 1');
const purple = colorMix(red, blue, 0.5); // 0.5 is a weight of the first color (max value is 1)
console.log(purple.rgb); // { r: 128, g: 0, b: 128, a: 1 }


colorMix(color1, color2, weight)

ParameterTypeRequiredValid rangeDescription
color1Spectrum instancetrue-The first color to mix
color2Spectrum instancetrue-The second color to mix
weightnumbertrue[0; 1]The weight of the first color in the mixture.

Return Value

The colorMix function returns a new Spectrum instance representing the mixed color.


Mix two hex colors

import Spectrum, { colorMix } from '@snipshot/spectrum';
const darkSlateGrey = new Spectrum('hex', '#2F4F4F');
const orange = new Spectrum('hex', '#FFA500');
const mix = colorMix(darkSlateGrey, orange, 0.3); // 30% of Dark slate grey and 70% of Orange;
console.log(mix.hsl); // { h: 41, s: 0.77, l: 0.43, a: 1 }

Mix colors with opacity

import Spectrum, { colorMix } from '@snipshot/spectrum';
const fuchsia = new Spectrum('rgb', '255 0 255 0.3');
const midnightBlue = new Spectrum('rgb', '25 25 112 0.65');
const mix = colorMix(fuchsia, midnightBlue, 0.5); // 50% of Fuchsia and 50% of Midnight blue;
console.log(mix.rgb); // { r: 140, g: 13, b: 184, a: 0.47 }