Spectrum class
The Spectrum
class is a fundamental component of the library, representing
colors in HEX
, and RGB
color spaces. Spectrum instances can be used
with various methods to convert between color spaces and access individual color
Name | Type | Description |
colorSpace | 'hex' | 'hsl' | 'rgb' | CssNamedColor | The color space of the input value |
value | string | Array<string | number> | undefined | The color value. The format depends on the color space. See details. |
The allowed input formats for each color space are as follows:
For hex
color space:
- The input can be only a string value with optional preceding
. - It also accepts shorthand HEX notation and alpha channel. See examples.
For hsl
and rgb
color spaces an input can be:
- A string of space-separated or comma-separated values.
- An array of values in a valid format.
For hsl
, the format is [hue, saturation, lightness, opacity]
For rgb
, the format is [red, green, blue, opacity]
You can also use a CSS named color as a first parameter. For example, 'red'
. In this case, you should not provide a second parameter.
See examples.
Valid formats
For hsl
Value | Format | Example |
hue | string | number without a unit | 180 , '180' |
saturation | Percentage string or a decimal point number in range [0; 1] | '25%' , 0.25 |
lightness | Percentage string or a decimal point number in range [0; 1] | '50%' , 0.5 |
opacity | Percentage string or a decimal point number in range [0; 1] | '90%' , 0.9 |
For rgb
Value | Format | Example |
red | string | number | 255 , '255' |
green | string | number | '90' , 90 |
blue | string | number | '30' , 30 |
opacity | Percentage string or a decimal point number in range [0; 1] | '90%' , 0.9 |
With hex
With hsl
With rgb
With CSS named color
Static class methods
Apart from the constructor, you can also create a new Spectrum
instance: using
the class methods fromHslObj
and fromRgbObj
. These methods allow you to
create a new instance from the objects returned by hsl
instance properties or by providing a custom object of your own.
:::caution The objects passed to fromHslObj()
and fromRgbObj()
methods must
be numeric values. Thus, valid value for the saturation property is only
s: 0.7
. Setting it as s: '70%'
will result in an error. :::
Creates a new instance of the Spectrum
class using an
HSL object as an input. All properties of an HSL object
are required.
Name | Type | Description |
hslObj | HslObj | An object representing the HSL color values with properties h (hue), s (saturation), l (lightness), and a (alpha). |
Returns Spectrum
Creates a new instance of the Spectrum
class using an
RGB object as an input. All properties of an RGB object
are required.
Name | Type | Description |
rgbObj | RgbObj | An object representing the RGB color values with properties r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha). |
Returns Spectrum
Instance properties
The hex
property retrieves the hexadecimal representation of the color.
Returns: string
The hsl
property retrieves the HSL object of the color.
Returns HslObj
The rgb
property retrieves the RGB object of the color.
Returns RgbObj
The alpha
property retrieves the alpha channel value of the color.
Returns: number
The red
property retrieves the red channel value of the color.
Returns: number
The green
property retrieves the green channel value of the color.
Returns: number
The blue
property retrieves the blue channel value of the color.
Returns: number
The hue
property retrieves the hue value of the color.
Returns: number
The saturation
property retrieves the saturation value of the color.
Returns: number
The lightness
property retrieves the lightness value of the color.
Returns: number