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The hslToRgb function allows you to convert an HSL color value to its corresponding RGB value.


import { hslToRgb } from '@snipshot/spectrum';
const salmon = hslToRgb({ h: 6, s: 0.93, l: 0.71, a: 1 });
console.log(salmon); // { r: 250, g: 126, b: 112, a: 1 }



hslObjHslObjtrueAn HSL object that represents a color in the HSLA (Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha) color space.

Return Value

The hslToRgb function returns an RGB object of the color value.


With opacity

import { hexToRgb } from '@snipshot/spectrum';
const teal = hslToRgb({ h: 180, s: 1, l: 0.25, a: 0.75 });
console.log(teal); // { r: 0, g: 128, b: 128, a: 0.75 }
const violet = hslToRgb({ h: 300, s: 0.76, l: 0.72, a: 0.32 });
console.log(violet); // { r: 238, g: 129, b: 238, a: 0.32 }